Post by ADMIN ACCOUNT on Dec 22, 2011 21:51:24 GMT -5
hmmmm is this a scroll code? Currently they are not working but they would be good to go soon enough
Post by ADMIN ACCOUNT on Dec 23, 2011 1:36:17 GMT -5
blah blah blah blah blah talk?
[/color] [/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][td][bg=090d02][atrb=border,0,table][atrb=width,500,table][center][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/356/2/8/field__s_of_green_by_trynxie-d4jxot2.png[/img][color=3a540d] [size=1][/center][blockquote]
blah blah blah blah blah [color=5a8214]talk?[/color]
[/blockquote] [/color] [/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Post by ressylurker on Dec 23, 2011 3:10:56 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=width,500,true] | [atrb=background,http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/357/7/7/marigo_background_by_evello-d4jxuvv.png]
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
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Post by wolfy on Dec 23, 2011 14:31:17 GMT -5
[atrb=cellspacing,0,true][atrb=border,0,true][STYLE=background: url(http://i.imgur.com/iL3kn.jpg); width: 300px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; padding: 10px; float: left;][STYLE=background-color: #efefef; padding: 10px; color: #494949; font-size: 10px; font-family: tahoma; text-align: justify;]Yo fo shizzle my nizzle fo shizzle pizzle the bizzle, shiznit adipiscing yo. Nullizzle sapizzle velizzle, crunk volutpat, suscipit quis, mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque away tellivizzle. Sed erizzle. Fusce izzle dolor dapibus turpis tempus that's the shizzle. Maurizzle bizzle nibh owned check out this. Vestibulum in tortor. Pellentesque eleifend sure nisi. In hac break it down platea dictumst. Stuff dapibizzle. Curabitur tellus away, fo shizzle own yo', the bizzle shizzlin dizzle, that's the shizzle vitae, nunc. Gangsta suscipizzle. Check it out sempizzle velit sizzle cool.
"Dizzle dizzle . Boofron ligula, bling bling sit i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle, mofo egizzle, go to hizzle check out this, i'm in the shizzle." You son of a bizzle a nisi. Own yo' sure neque et risus. Suspendisse izzle. Gangsta away tristique turpis. Owned blandit ultrices purizzle. Sed fo shizzle da bomb, pharetra interdizzle, posuere ut, dapibizzle izzle, augue. Suspendisse owned tellus. Aenean aliquizzle fo shizzle sizzle bling bling dolizzle. Fusce dapibizzle tellivizzle izzle arcu. Lorem ipsum dolizzle shut the shizzle up amet, bizzle adipiscing elizzle. Suspendisse fo shizzle purizzle, eleifend laoreet, ullamcorpizzle izzle, consequizzle nizzle, fo shizzle my nizzle. Nizzle porta rutrizzle yippiyo.
For sure quis arcu. Fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle ante. My shizz placerizzle mauris fizzle lectizzle. Morbi izzle tortizzle. Nizzle dizzle check out this izzle mi consectetizzle things. Lorizzle ipsizzle shiznit sit amizzle, break yo neck, yall adipiscing elit. Curabitizzle elit gizzle, elementum non, eleifend izzle, things izzle, ass. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec tempus posuere turpizzle. Dawg aliquizzle. Sure odio urna, dang own yo', volutpizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa, vehicula sed, dang. Boom shackalack sizzle dope, congue nec, sodalizzle ma nizzle, commodo fo, shiz.[/style][/style][STYLE=float: right; background: url(http://i.imgur.com/iL3kn.jpg); margin: 10px; padding: 10px; width: 160px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px;][STYLE=background-color: #efefef; opacity: 0.7;][STYLE=font-family: arial; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 25px; color: #494949; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -2px;]Jenevieve[/style][STYLE=background: url(http://i.imgur.com/8Wajz.png); margin: 5px; padding: 5px; height: 50px; width: 60px;][STYLE=opacity: 0.7;] [/style][/style] [STYLE=font-family: tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: #494949; text-align: justify; padding: 5px;]TAGS tags WORDS words NOTES short notes[/style][/style][/style][STYLE=float: right; margin-right: 17px; font-family: courier new; font-size: 10px; width: 165px;]TEMPLATE BY JETPLANE OF BTN[/style] |
Post by oatmeal on Dec 23, 2011 20:22:43 GMT -5
[style=font: 11px calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: right; width: 412px; background-color: #282823; padding: 2px 10px;]sermon walks into a bar... Test test test And stuff. notes and stuffs
Post by ADMIN ACCOUNT on Dec 25, 2011 23:59:06 GMT -5
[/color] [/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][td][bg=000e25][atrb=border,0,table][atrb=width,50,table][center][url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/359/7/1/somewhere_in_the_stars_by_trynxie-d4k5aas.png][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/359/e/0/somewhere_in_the_stars_click_by_trynxie-d4k6ubh.png[/img][/url][color=6a727a] [size=1][/center][blockquote]
[/blockquote] [/color] [/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Post by oatmeal on Dec 26, 2011 19:16:56 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=width,60px][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=Valign, bottom] eliza | [atrb=width,380] [style=background-color: #cfd1be; margin: 10px; border-radius: 0px 30px 30px 0px; color: #3b3c34; padding: 5px; font: 11px calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 130%; opacity: .8; text-align: justify;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempor fringilla lacus, nec blandit ligula varius non. Sed quis dolor lacus, eu ornare sapien. Cras pretium vehicula condimentum. Aenean neque eros, blandit ac tincidunt et, cursus non mi. Nam fringilla velit non magna facilisis vel adipiscing massa ultrices. Nunc ut odio nisi, sit amet varius urna. Cras lobortis libero a dui pellentesque at faucibus eros dignissim. Vestibulum sed justo sed augue mollis malesuada quis quis massa. Cras facilisis tristique lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam facilisis, risus sed sollicitudin vehicula, orci diam luctus augue, in euismod ipsum nisl sed purus. In leo ante, commodo fermentum bibendum et, lacinia quis ligula. Aliquam eget convallis nibh. Curabitur at nisi consequat diam ullamcorper tempor.
Vestibulum ultrices tortor eget ante vulputate nec fermentum augue consectetur. Phasellus lorem dolor, vehicula vel condimentum eu, pretium a purus. In in convallis odio. Morbi nisl ipsum, viverra non malesuada eget, consectetur eu tortor. Nulla et ante sit amet dolor aliquam fermentum. Vestibulum sodales lobortis semper. Vestibulum tortor libero, mattis vitae rhoncus at, gravida a enim. Fusce luctus porttitor magna at consequat. Nullam felis risus, faucibus non ultrices et, condimentum vel sapien. Integer non sem mauris, at tristique risus. Aliquam nunc sapien, rutrum vitae euismod vel, interdum id turpis. Maecenas id ante vitae lectus eleifend dictum. Sed ullamcorper, tortor id porttitor rutrum, arcu mi lacinia elit, sit amet vulputate quam arcu eu dolor. Morbi condimentum consequat nisl eget. [style=border-top: 1px solid #a8ab92; margin-top: 2px; padding-left: 3px;]Words: Tagged: Notes: [/style][/style]
Post by zombie on Dec 26, 2011 23:34:17 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style,border-top: 5px solid #000000; border-bottom: 5px solid #000000; width: 500px; -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; padding-left: 25px; padding-right: 25px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 30px;,true] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z O M B I E - - - - - -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque a aliquam nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse diam dui, porttitor sit amet scelerisque quis, dictum eget augue. Fusce dapibus euismod velit, nec cursus augue tristique id. Duis fringilla dolor neque. Pellentesque suscipit felis nulla, quis sagittis lacus. Sed congue est eget odio laoreet semper. In commodo dolor elementum eros sodales congue.
Duis lectus nulla, volutpat hendrerit luctus ac, volutpat sed eros. Donec dictum posuere convallis. Cras accumsan, arcu in auctor accumsan, lacus nunc laoreet nulla, a vulputate lorem nibh et tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec venenatis urna sed elit consequat quis elementum lectus sagittis. Curabitur dignissim leo ac purus interdum blandit. Integer orci lacus, pretium id commodo vel, eleifend eu nisl. Cras tristique justo sed lacus ultrices auctor. Duis eu metus quis leo semper semper. Nunc eget libero risus, sit amet elementum libero. Integer dignissim, mi vitae suscipit congue, turpis risus malesuada sem, in venenatis urna magna et massa. Nullam faucibus laoreet ante id sodales. Etiam sed augue id nisi auctor convallis eu et ipsum.
Etiam eu tempus eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras nulla lectus, facilisis rhoncus placerat non, consectetur pharetra magna. Nam a velit non orci venenatis iaculis. Sed libero est, ullamcorper vitae feugiat vitae, pulvinar quis sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed leo dui, imperdiet a ornare quis, commodo sit amet turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec vitae risus velit, id porttitor neque. Nunc quis massa egestas sapien bibendum varius eu sed libero. Vestibulum venenatis, dui ut vulputate porta, ligula risus consectetur nisi, auctor feugiat felis quam nec urna. Etiam ornare venenatis leo ut sodales. Fusce suscipit elit eu tellus aliquam non aliquam risus lacinia.
"This is Zombie speaking," and This is Zombie thinking, and "This is others talking," - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WORDS -- here TAGGED -- here NOTES -- here CREDIT -- image used copyright to Creative Commons; table copyright to Zombie
Post by vegasblaire on Dec 27, 2011 3:18:24 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=width,499,true] | [atrb=background,http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss100/HawkinsGirl_2009/vegasmiddle.png][scrolly:h(229),w(400),sy]text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here
text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here
text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here
Status; Muse; Words; Tagged; Notes;
[/scrolly] | |
Post by oatmeal on Dec 31, 2011 14:31:52 GMT -5
[style=font: 16px Georgia serif; letter-spacing: 2px; margin: 0px 50px -10px 35px; font-weight: bold; color: #1c1c1c; text-align: right;]gregory carver [style=background: #FFF; opacity: .3; margin: 15px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px; color: #000; text-align: justify; font: 11px calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 120%;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tristique porttitor ante quis mattis. Praesent ut velit nibh. Aenean ultrices porttitor luctus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent non risus metus. Mauris tempus sapien egestas quam facilisis aliquet. Vestibulum nibh magna, convallis tempus dictum nec, consectetur ac urna. Etiam ut dui nunc. Cras laoreet lobortis nunc eu blandit. Donec magna nisi, vestibulum tempor semper a, rhoncus a est. Maecenas dignissim lacus lectus, placerat tempor tellus. Duis id ipsum arcu.
Nulla dictum augue neque, quis convallis augue. Maecenas eleifend risus ut libero hendrerit fringilla. Phasellus eu eleifend metus. Curabitur pharetra iaculis malesuada. In faucibus facilisis dui, at lacinia orci ultrices at. Mauris odio nisl, aliquet vitae suscipit et, mollis eu augue. Curabitur eleifend enim in urna egestas a porta augue eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus aliquet pharetra. Phasellus elementum, sem sit amet pharetra vestibulum, lacus magna mattis orci, sed fermentum dui enim eu purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam dictum, elit vitae accumsan varius, nisl erat posuere nulla, nec convallis nisi velit eget mi. Cras tempus fringilla semper.
Aliquam viverra tincidunt nulla, eget mattis dolor viverra ac. Nam egestas ultrices tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam consequat neque at nunc bibendum aliquet. Donec et odio velit. Vivamus malesuada elementum est eget laoreet. Maecenas a consectetur diam. Nulla velit quam, volutpat in consectetur et, ultricies nec lorem. Quisque ullamcorper pellentesque dolor et pulvinar. Sed pellentesque scelerisque. [style=margin: 3px 5px 0px; border-top: 1px dotted #464646; padding-top: 2px; padding-left: 3px;]Words: Tag: Notes: [/style][/style][/style]
Post by punktestern on Jan 3, 2012 13:55:27 GMT -5
[atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style,padding:0; margin: 0; background-image:url(http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af324/Rockheart_ArtDelivery/TerrTable2.png);background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 500px;height:636px;]
{Moving}-{"Speaking"}-{Thinking}-{"Hearing"} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit diam et nisi pulvinar mollis. Nulla vel odio metus, eu sagittis risus. Proin vitae enim a felis gravida varius. Donec varius ultricies urna. Donec eget dui sit amet massa vestibulum scelerisque. Phasellus sit amet tortor non mauris auctor fermentum. Fusce ut sem vitae ante scelerisque vehicula et in mi. Nulla vehicula tortor id ante consectetur vestibulum. Fusce accumsan aliquet fringilla. Mauris fermentum purus sed lectus accumsan adipiscing. Suspendisse et purus quam, sed cursus augue. Duis scelerisque pretium elementum. Morbi tristique vehicula nunc ut fermentum. Sed vel rhoncus diam. Sed vitae est ante. Pellentesque et arcu nec augue blandit lobortis ut ac augue. Proin blandit, massa et aliquam imperdiet, velit dui consectetur tortor, nec viverra tellus turpis ut odio. Cras nec tincidunt enim. Etiam eu ipsum non tortor dictum consequat quis ut sapien. Maecenas convallis, purus nec pellentesque tempus, turpis purus aliquet quam, at mollis purus metus sit amet neque. Proin ut augue a mi vulputate venenatis. Donec vehicula neque eget enim hendrerit sed iaculis orci sodales. Praesent lobortis vestibulum nulla, ac porta urna facilisis in. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque non lectus nulla, a euismod odio. Fusce nec magna sem. Nunc elementum augue at ipsum tristique sed suscipit mauris pharetra. Ut a lorem ac purus consequat tincidunt nec eu justo. Notes\:/HERE Words/:\HERE
[center] [table][tr][td][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style,padding:0; margin: 0; background-image:url(http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af324/Rockheart_ArtDelivery/TerrTable2.png);background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 500px;height:636px;] [div style="width: 440px; position: absolute; text-align: justify; padding: 5px; padding-top: 0px; margin: 0; overflow: auto; height: 190px; margin-left: 25px; margin-top: -245px; color: 88b849; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px;"][center]{Moving}-[color=83864f][b]{"Speaking"}[/b][/color]-[color=83864f][i]{Thinking}[/i][/color]-[b]{"Hearing"}[/b][/center]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit diam et nisi pulvinar mollis. Nulla vel odio metus, eu sagittis risus. Proin vitae enim a felis gravida varius. Donec varius ultricies urna. Donec eget dui sit amet massa vestibulum scelerisque. Phasellus sit amet tortor non mauris auctor fermentum. Fusce ut sem vitae ante scelerisque vehicula et in mi. Nulla vehicula tortor id ante consectetur vestibulum. Fusce accumsan aliquet fringilla. Mauris fermentum purus sed lectus accumsan adipiscing.
Suspendisse et purus quam, sed cursus augue. Duis scelerisque pretium elementum. Morbi tristique vehicula nunc ut fermentum. Sed vel rhoncus diam. Sed vitae est ante. Pellentesque et arcu nec augue blandit lobortis ut ac augue. Proin blandit, massa et aliquam imperdiet, velit dui consectetur tortor, nec viverra tellus turpis ut odio. Cras nec tincidunt enim. Etiam eu ipsum non tortor dictum consequat quis ut sapien. Maecenas convallis, purus nec pellentesque tempus, turpis purus aliquet quam, at mollis purus metus sit amet neque. Proin ut augue a mi vulputate venenatis.
Donec vehicula neque eget enim hendrerit sed iaculis orci sodales. Praesent lobortis vestibulum nulla, ac porta urna facilisis in. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque non lectus nulla, a euismod odio. Fusce nec magna sem. Nunc elementum augue at ipsum tristique sed suscipit mauris pharetra. Ut a lorem ac purus consequat tincidunt nec eu justo.
[center][u]Notes[/u]\:/[i]HERE[/i] [u]Words[/u]/:\[i]HERE[/i][/center] [/div] [/td][/tr] [/table][/center]
Post by punktestern on Jan 3, 2012 17:11:16 GMT -5
[atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style,padding:0; margin: 0; background-image:url(http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af324/Rockheart_ArtDelivery/MyrTable.png);background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 500px;height:636px;]
{Moving}-{"Speaking"}-{Thinking}-{"Hearing"} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit diam et nisi pulvinar mollis. Nulla vel odio metus, eu sagittis risus. Proin vitae enim a felis gravida varius. Donec varius ultricies urna. Donec eget dui sit amet massa vestibulum scelerisque. Phasellus sit amet tortor non mauris auctor fermentum. Fusce ut sem vitae ante scelerisque vehicula et in mi. Nulla vehicula tortor id ante consectetur vestibulum. Fusce accumsan aliquet fringilla. Mauris fermentum purus sed lectus accumsan adipiscing. Suspendisse et purus quam, sed cursus augue. Duis scelerisque pretium elementum. Morbi tristique vehicula nunc ut fermentum. Sed vel rhoncus diam. Sed vitae est ante. Pellentesque et arcu nec augue blandit lobortis ut ac augue. Proin blandit, massa et aliquam imperdiet, velit dui consectetur tortor, nec viverra tellus turpis ut odio. Cras nec tincidunt enim. Etiam eu ipsum non tortor dictum consequat quis ut sapien. Maecenas convallis, purus nec pellentesque tempus, turpis purus aliquet quam, at mollis purus metus sit amet neque. Proin ut augue a mi vulputate venenatis. Donec vehicula neque eget enim hendrerit sed iaculis orci sodales. Praesent lobortis vestibulum nulla, ac porta urna facilisis in. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque non lectus nulla, a euismod odio. Fusce nec magna sem. Nunc elementum augue at ipsum tristique sed suscipit mauris pharetra. Ut a lorem ac purus consequat tincidunt nec eu justo.
Post by seeker on Jan 5, 2012 14:37:31 GMT -5
Granted but the wolf eventually is driven mad and mauls you. >_<
I wish for a lifesize gummy bear.
Post by meixiaotian on Jan 5, 2012 19:19:26 GMT -5
All right, but the gummy bear is evil and alive, so it eats you.
I wish that a tv series I am watching wasn't so ridiculous.
Post by danny on Jan 6, 2012 15:00:48 GMT -5
Help me please?