Post by Gmod Zel on May 4, 2012 11:12:26 GMT -5
They call themselves the Asindri. The High Ones. The Ruling Pack. No one ever questioned them or their status, not without being punished for treason. While these High ones sit on their thrones, it is the working packs, the Elmor, the Da'ale and the Iatia packs are the ones that suffer. It is they who spend their time paying tribute to their rulers, in return for protection from a threat long since passed.
When I was younger, my father told me stories of the Olden Times. Stories of war and strife. Stories of Heroes and Gods. Stories on how the Aisindri came to power by uniting the other packs against the darkness that had taken hold of this land. My father feared that the gods had deserted us and left us in the hands of the Aisindri. He believed our rulers to be kind and good, said the Gods would not of left if there was anything to fear. But I do not believe.
I have watched from the Shadows, I have seen the signs of corruption and disloyalty within the High Pack. I do not believe that we are safe. The Same signs my father told me are beginning to show again, the Darkness is returning and we are blind. IF you are reading this, look to the stars and pray. Pray that the Gods of Old will hear us and will return.
We are no longer alone.
Excerpt from the Lost Journals of EspĂa
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